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Master Gardener Program
What is a Master Gardener?
A "Master Gardener" is a gardening enthusiast of any age, who has been formally trained in Horticulture by the Extension Service. The Master Gardener does not know all the answers, but he or she does know the sources to consult to find the answers.
What are the Requirements?
What is in it for ME?
Who Runs It?
The Master Gardener program is sponsored by the Agri LIFE EXTENSION which is part of the Texas A&M University System. The program is run on a county basis, as local interest and demand dictate. They run a 15-week Fall Master Gardener Class. Topics range from design planning, entomology, soil, herbs, tree production/transplanting, grafting, perennials, pecan & grapes, flower gardening, water smart practices, and more.
Besides the Master Gardener designation, the Agri LIFE EXTENSION sponsors a number of workshops and seminars on various topics of interest to the public.
For more information . . .
For more information or to receive an application package, please visit www.fbmg.com, or call 281-633-7033. Applications are also available at the Agri LIFE EXTENSION office located at 1402 Band Road, Suite 100, in Rosenberg. Applications accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.