Quail Valley Recreation and Tennis Center - 2701 Cypress Point Dr
9:30 am Meet & Greet
10:00 am Program: The Importance of Protecting the Bee Population
Opening: President Lynn Ellis
Club Inspiration: Sandy Cackowski
Program: The Importance of Protecting the Bee Population
Speaker: Jeff McMullen, Fort Bend Beekeepers Association
Host Chair: Marsha Strain
Hosts: Karen Santos, Becky Faust, Sammie Kay Stewart, Gloryan Arceneaux
Arbor Day Celebration following our meeting!
Horticulture: Remember to bring specimens from your yards to pro- mote and share our love of gardening.
Don’t forget your coffee mug and items for the Swap Table!
Spring Field Trip: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 Houston Arboretum & Nature Center, Depart 8:30 a.m. from Quail Valley Rec. Center
Community Service:
Brookwood Garden Therapy - Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Message from Linda Regarding Membership Dues:
Attached is the new form for 2019-20 membership dues. I will provide copies for those who wish to pay the renewal fee at tomorrow's board meeting. Otherwise you can print the form and pay at the March or April general meetings (not at the May luncheon) or at one of the remaining board meetings.
All renewals need to include the $30 check to QVGC and a completed membership form!
Final deadline to renew is May 31st to have your photo and contact info in the yearbook, but please don't wait that long since Judi Ann Carlsson will take over my position starting June 1.
My address is 3811 East Valley Drive, Missouri City, TX 77459 if you prefer to mail the check and form to me.