Quail Valley Garden Club Spring Luncheon
11:00 am to 1:00 pm - Brandani’s Restaurant
Have You Made Your Reservation for Our May 9 Luncheon at Brandani's?
If you did not sign up and pay $25 at the April luncheon, please contact Barbara Thompson at 281-835-9888 or text her at 832-671-9959 to make arrangements to mail her check or drop it in her secure mailbox. The luncheon will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
*Scholarships: Scholarship Recipients Announcement, President’s Report, and Installation of Officers to be presented at September General Meeting
Community Service:
Fort Bend Women’s Center
Bring white twin-sized linens and bedding items or other items for delivery to Fort Bend Women’s Center in honor of Mother’s Day.
Reservations Required - Luncheon reservations must be paid in advance. More information to come.
Annual Dues are Payable by May 31, 2019
$30 Membership Dues are being Collected Now:
Dues will not be collected at the May luncheon, but you can still mail your $30 check to Linda Holder at 3811 East Valley Drive, Missouri City, TX 77459, by May 31st to be in the yearbook. Be sure to include a completed new membership form! You can use the attached 2019-20 form or pick one up from Linda Holder. Text or call her at 281-437-3490. Make your check payable to Quail Valley Garden Club (QVGC).