Horticulture Tips


Avoid overwatering lawn to prevent brown patch. Reduce watering on caladiums late in the month when they begin to go dormant. Divide and transplant daylilies, irises and cannas. Refrigerate tulips, crocus and hyacinths for 4-6 weeks. Plant perennial shrubs to establish roots.


Sow wildflower seeds such as bluebonnet, blackeyed Susans, Indian blanket and coreopsis. To prevent disease, avoid over- use of nitrogen fertilizers. Provide food, water and shelter for birds. Mow over fallen leaves so they will decompose with grass clippings. Plant Swiss chard, collards, kale, cilantro and parsley.


Use fallen leaves to mulch plants or add to compost pile. Fertilize lawn. Pick green tomatoes if a freeze is forecasted. Plant daffodils and hyacinths on Thanksgiving Day. Plant pansies, cyclamen and ornamental kale.


Mulch well to protect roots from frost. Plant shrubs. Plant alyssum, calendula, dianthus. Add leaves to compost pile.


Water plants if a freeze is forecast. Plant refrigerated tulips New Year’s Day. Plant rose bushes, calendula, cyclamen, pansies, dianthus and snapdragons. Plant broccoli, cabbage, collards and peas.


Prepare soil for spring planting by adding good compost and MicroLife. Prune dead or crossing branches from rose bushes. Plant trees and shrubs. Plant tomatoes protected from possible frost.


Feed plants with organic fertilizer. Avoid weed-and-feed fertilizers that can damage trees and shrubs. Feed lawn with finished compost. Plant milkweed to attract Monarch butterflies. Plant lettuce, beans, mint, oregano, rosemary, sage and thyme.


Plant caladiums in soil with good drainage. Feed container plants. Plant Easter lilies in the garden after they finish blooming. Pick tomatoes at the first sign of pink. Replace winter annuals with warm weather plants.


Mulch well to prevent weeds. Allow bluebonnets to reseed by not cutting off blooms. Last chance to prune and fertilize azaleas. Repot container plants if needed.


Water in the early morning. Mow lawn higher during hot months to preserve moisture. Clean hummingbird feeders every 3-4 days. Allow grass clippings to stay on the lawn to feed the soil.


To prevent burning, avoid chemical fertilizers during hot months. Keep caladiums well-watered. Don’t overwater azaleas. Water deeply when you water to encourage deep roots. Avoid wide use of lawn chemicals. For chinch bugs spot treat only infected area with insecticidal soap.


Prune leggy shrubs and perennials. Keep hummingbird feeders full and watch for fall migration. Plant chrysanthemums and irises. Water early in the morning, slowly and deeply.